The cross-industry innovation process, uniting a wide variety of parties and insights, is inevitably complex. Loosing your focus is a real danger here. It's not uncommon for a partnership to deviate from its course, especially when involving a powerful partner with his own agenda. So keep your focus and manage that focus carefully. 

Are you still on track? Answer these five questions and get some tips to improve your focus.

Do you have a shared vision?

Develop your common cross-industry goals together with your partners and make sure everyone agrees on them. Maintain your shared vision and keep it in mind, not only at the start, but throughout the entire process.

Do you operate on a culture of sharing information?

All participating organizations should be open to sharing responsibility, information, ideas and resources with each other. Use online collaboration tools like Basecamp to help support the sharing culture.

Are you well connected with your partners?

Your partners need to be able to communicate easily and frequently in order to exchange tacit knowledge. Make arrangements and develop clear communication guidelines. Look at your partners' business culture to find the right balance between formal and informal, and offline and online communication.

Is there room for autonomy?

Give your partners the autonomy and freedom to follow their own path, without interference from any underlying political chess games. This will help boost your partners' involvement and motivation to tackle the cross-industry innovation project. 

Do you facilitate a balance of power between partners?

Keep in mind that all partners should feel like equals, and that everyone should be allowed to speak his mind. Steer clear of the groupthink that may result from one partner dominating the entire group, as this is definitely counterproductive.